Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A rant about Choice/Life

 When I first saw my daughter’s ultrasound I saw a life. It changed mine in more ways than one. Both my mother (A 60’s flower child) and I went from being pro-choice to pro-life instantly. Many other changes occurred, but the more I learned the more I believe that an abortion kills a thinking being. Science is finding a fetus’s learns before birth. http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/healthcare/244723-dnc-platform-supports-partial-birth-abortion-excludes-language-for-abortion-to-be-rare#.UE0iakRQ-7U  The learning time seems to be getting more and more closer towards conception.  As a Christian I can’t vote to take a life. This is why I am now opposed to the death penalty. I could not understand how the GOP says they are pro-life, yet be able to kill murderers.  Of course, how can the other side say the death penalty is murder, and yet an unborn child that has done nothing wrong can be killed.
Ok a moment here. Roe v Wade will not be struck down. Chief Roberts is against it, it’s not on Romney’s list of important things. (No he’s not said it, but if he is elected it will be over the economy). First and most of the second term abortions are completely safe.  I will say that while I oppose the early abortions I can deal with them only because I do value a woman’s right to choose. HOWEVER, There are some votes I would love to make.
Partial  Birth Abortion: First off,  I completely understand “in the case of the life of the mother” strict guidelines being set. I know in my case, if we were to have another child my wife will sign a living will to make sure her wishes will be followed in case something happened with our child. I know how I feel about abortion, but I just can’t lose that woman. Now, In the case where the mother’s life is not, how can you kill a baby that can learn? How? You are taking a baby out of the womb and killing it. As the parent of a child born 6 weeks premature child this scares the crap out of me.
So how can my daughter have to have my consent to get a nose job, but she does not have to in order to get an abortion. Don’t believe me? http://www.northfloridawomenshealth.com/parentalnotification.html This is not just in case of rape or incest.  Are you KIDDING me? My minor child, ya know the one where I go to jail if she misses school too much can go and get an abortion, and I have no say. Please. That is outrageous.
Both of these two issues are heavily supported by Planned Parenthood and the DNC. Please remember an organization that makes a lot of money off of abortions.  PP from the procedure, and then the money PP gives the DNC.
Finally a topic we can all disagree about. When I make a mistake I have to pay for it. At least I thought I did. There is a push to make sure public funding for abortions is the law of the land. Why? If the sex is consensual you made the choice to have sex. You should pay for the consequences.  Why should I pay for someone else’s elective surgery?  After all it is a choice.
OK rant over. 
I know this little post won’t change someone from Choice to pro-life. However, I do hope that just as you think no one should be Pro-life in all cases, Pro Choice is not absolute.  Also while you hear the DNC say how radical the GOP is, maybe they better be careful throwing stones.
I would like to thank @BigKev and  @A_MacNab for reading this and catching things in it.  I will say that I am speaking only for me and no one else.

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